English > Install & Configure jDiction
error after installation
I set up a new website yesterday using Joomla 2.5.6. and the newest download from Your website as well.
The website needs to be international, so I installed jDiction also.
Now I get the following error when I try to get a new translation: Fatal error: Class 'jdiction' not found in /var/www/web1138/html/ticketshop/administrator/components/com_jdiction/models/translation.php on line 55
And I get the following error when I click onto "export": Fatal error: Class 'jdiction' not found in /var/www/web1138/html/ticketshop/administrator/components/com_jdiction/models/export.php on line 42
What can I do?
Harald Leithner:
Hi Steffen,
please could you check that you activated the plugin and the database driver?
Also check if that the file JOOMLA_BASE/library/jdiction/jdiction exists.
If the lib does not exists add write permissions to the library directory and reinstall jdiction.
Hope fully this fixes the problem.
Hello Harald,
sorry for the late reply. Have some other projects too.
I activated the module and the plugin. This fixes the errors. The file exists too. But now I get an empty page when I click on "translation--new"
with a PN I can send access rights to the installation
Harald Leithner:
please send me a login and I will see what I can do.
But a white page seams too lees error reporting.
Hello Harald,
today I installed the new version 0.79.
After that I got the following error:
arning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in ...website/libraries/joomla/database/database.php on line 1315
I'll send the login-info as a pn
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