English > Install & Configure jDiction
TinyMCE and JCE
I have problems because I use JCE instead of TinyMCE. Any plans to support it?
Oh, by the way, when I changed to TinyMCE, the same error appears (looking in the console:
// Code:
//If we have a tinyMCE Editor
if (tinyMCE) {
// Console error
Uncaught ReferenceError: tinyMCE is not defined
Is like the javascript object is not being passed. Im using Joomla 2.5.4
Harald Leithner:
Hmm I tried JCE but it didn't worked in com_content... but I get the error in jdiction so I will try to find the problem.
Harald Leithner:
Hmm funny after reloading and using another browser it displays the JCE, and jdiction worked out of the box...
Do you still have this problem?
Sorry, no luck
Tested on Firefox and Chrome, last versions. I´ll check later and I´ll let you know :)
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