English > General Questions

Sugestion: "Is translated?" icon

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For your todo list :P It would be very interesting to know, once I enter on the article list, to see wich articles are translated and wich one not. And/or to have on the translations list all the articles and the status on each language.

Another thing: If Im not wrong, in the translations list dont appear the article title, something that would be good to know (dont trust me on this one, I can´t recall it exactly)

Harald Leithner:

on the article list you should see a balloon with 3 colors, red, yellow, green with the language flag, see screenshot.

If you can't see this, there is a problem with the javascript, maybe you can check your browser errors.

The Translation list is not finished and I have plans to complete the list for final release.

Console error:
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)

Edit: Forget it, maybe is a problem with symbolic links. I´ll let you know

Ops, I get it now, it is but it has to be

Harald Leithner:
hmm, I will fix it for the next version.

thx for your help


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