English > General Questions

Class 'FieldsHelper' not found

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When trying to access the translation of any article, menu,... the message Class 'FieldsHelper' not found is shown and it is impossible to access any translation.

With the Debug System enable, I got this extra piece of information: administrator/components/com_jdiction/models/translation.php:222

Does anyone has a clue on what to do?


Harald Leithner:
which version of Joomla do you use?

pleaser show the output of the checkpage.

Jdiction Version: 2.2.0
Joomla Version 3.8.5

Harald Leithner:
It seams that you disabled the custom fields plugin: "System - Fields" try to activate it and try again...

Thanks for your help, it is now solved.

FYI not sure why, but it was not installed on my Joomla and had to install it first. Here is an post I found: https://forum.joomla.org/viewtopic.php?f=708&t=954974


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