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Call to undefined method Exception::get()

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Just posted a new article on my Joomla and for some reason when accessing to the translated version I get this message "Call to undefined method Exception::get()"

Original URL (CA): https://www.sanscrit.net/ca/blog/286-entens-amb-facilitat-un-altre-idioma-potser-no-es-per-una-simple-coincidencia
Translated URL (ES): https://www.sanscrit.net/es/blog/286-entiendes-con-facilidad-otro-idioma-puede-que-no-sea-por-una-simple-coincidencia

And discovered that if I combine the two URLs the article loads perfectly. For some reason, or at some point, the translated "Alias" is not working.

Combine URL: https://www.sanscrit.net/es/blog/286-entens-amb-facilitat-un-altre-idioma-potser-no-es-per-una-simple-coincidencia

Thanks in advance,

PS: not adding the check screen capture, is the same from my last to post in the forum.

Harald Leithner:
hard to find with so less information would you like to activate joomla debuging and make a screenshot of the output?


When I activate the Debug System from Joomla it does not show any other info when loading the url with the error. If you need me to activate any other option just inform me.

Thanks for your support.

Harald Leithner:
do you have access to the error log? there should be line with the error and the file name...

Any suggestion on where I can find the error log  ::)


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