English > Extensions and jDiction

Cookie-header and jdiction


Hello fellow jdiction-friends,

as i am probably not the only one who needs to get his cookies out in the open (aka: EU Cookie laws), i wonder which plugin to use in conjunction with jdiction. From my perspective redims CookieHint seems like a good choice without too much of a hassle. Usually i enjoy the install of a plugin and checking if everything is to my liking. But in this case the "testing" itself will not be as exiting as with other plugin as it will not add any additional features to the site. As such i try to squeeze through this with as little effort as possible. Thanks in advance for any hints on what to use.

Regards, dorian.

Harald Leithner:
The cookie banner is the smallest problem, I use a simple cookie banner linking to a standard joomla article.


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