English > General Questions

Export to .xliff contains no data

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csv is gining the same results as xliff. Only little data is in the file. The contents that is in it makes no sense. It's partial content that belongs to the menu that houses hidden menu items and if I read the file correct there are also strings that say "Admin.." "Toolbar..., "Quick icons". That stuff does not belong to the frontend of the site.

There's no way I get all menu's, categories, articles and modules that have the Dutch lamnguage. Although I selected Dutch as the source in jDiction.

Tried it again and choose to export the English items instead of the Dutch items. That makes no difference.

Attached you'll find an example of an export file. You'll find the live site here: https://www.ecobin.nl

Currently I'm testing on a copy of the site on another server. If you need access, let me know.


Just to be sure I don't use your software the wrong way...

I did an install of jDiction and then went to the export tool. I need to send the xliff to an external translator. Afterwards I need to import the translation after which I intend to deinstall jDiction.

Harald Leithner:
Do you use joomla articles?

Because the export shows only one article.

Jdiction isn't designed for doing your use case but it should work.

Did you tagged the articles for one language? try to change the language to "ALL"


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