English > Install & Configure jDiction
Can't change language in frontend
Hi there
First I want to thank you for this extension! It seems to be very powerful but easy to use.
Nevertheless I have a problem to change the language in the frontend.
I followed your tutorial on the website, activated the plugin, changed the db-type etc. But when I'm on the (english) page and want to change to the german one, it always shows me a error 404.
The following modules are activated:
- jdlanguage
The following plugins are activated:
- system - jdiction
- system - language code
- system - language filter
The menu item, the menu module as well the article have a green ballon, all is set to "All" at Language. Can you please tell me where I'm wrong?
You can see what I mean here:
http://meinkleinesparadies.ch.davinci.sui-inter.net/en/typography -> then click on Deutsch on the left hand side...
Thank you and kind regards,
Harald Leithner:
I have seen this problem but didnt remember what it is. Could you please tell me the version you are using (Joomla and jdiction)
Wow thank you for your quick reply!
- Joomla 2.5.6
- PHP 5.2.17
- jdiction
Harald Leithner:
Hmm... if you send me a pm with an admin login, I would check it hen I'm in the office.
Harald Leithner:
So after an hour of search I found the problem in the content language definition.
You used the Language Tag: de-CH but jgerman has only a de-DE version so Joomla couldn't find the language and hasn't changed the language.
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