English > Install & Configure jDiction
Translations don't work
Harald Leithner:
Modules should be copied and filtered by language parameter.
If the modules displays standard articles this should work without any modification, I don't know FreeSlider SP1
well i guess i've tried everything: (testing standard list in category, not FreeSlider SP1)
1. translate modul - only title shows up in secound language
2. make a copy of oryginal module and set apropriate language in both modules - only title shows up in secound language
3. same like 2. but left oryginal with All languages selected - only title shows up in secound language (with additional module in secound language)
...using joomla 2.5.8 and jdiction 0.8
Harald Leithner:
Would you like to send me a PM with url and admin account?
now i'm working on localhost, and there's only two days for me to finish this site... then I will try to improve my work, but now:
i've noticed that if i clar all translated field (doesn't matter if it's module or article) on list there's still green bubble... and tere's another problem: before i use "tranlate" for aricle it shows up on front-end (secound language is switched on) in module, in oryginal language... but after using "translate" it's only translated title of this module left
my question for now is: how can i erase translations? or which sql tables should i clear?
Harald Leithner:
Clearing all fields in the translation changed nothing on the state the the article is translated, it only takes the orignal language.
You could delete all translations using sql, "TRUNCATE #__jd_store;"
Are you sure that you configured the language correctly?
--- Quote ---IMPORTANT: The Language Tag must match the installed language package, so if you install the jgerman translation you have to use "de-DE" as translation Tag and not "de-AT" or "de-CH".
--- End quote ---
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