English > Extensions and jDiction
jDiction and K2
This extension wil be perfectly perfect if we could use it with K2 component.
I have meny articles and categories in K2, now I have to export somehow and import in the Joomla core content to be able to use this fantastic multilanguage tool.
Harald Leithner:
I never tried K2 so I can't say if its possible or not but it should be, If I get time I could look at it but that maybe not be soon.
I have one small issue and I don't know how to resolve it.
I have some HTML modules with some text and one photo inside modules, but I'm able to translate only a title of module, but in Content section of translation, I'm able to input only pure text, without any tags, so I can't put any photo or link.
Can you help me with some advice?
Harald Leithner:
maybe there is a false filter set in the xml files, I will check this.
Its possible that k2 also needs only a xml file.
Harald Leithner:
maybe there is a false filter set in the xml files, I will check this.
Its possible that k2 also needs only a xml file.
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