English > General Questions

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Harald Leithner:
where die you send it? PLZ send me a pm in the forum

I sent it to forum PM, but let me resend again. Thanks.

Harald Leithner:
First you didn't followed the documentation.
Second now it works.

Steps I have done:

* Changed Database driver to mysql_jdiction
* Added German as content Language
* Moved jdlanguage_switcher to module location sidebar-a
If this was help full please vote or write a review at joomla extension directory

Thanks for the assistance. Will try to add more language now if I can, but the German seems not to be translating yet. Also prefer the flag.
Let me try my best on all these, will get back to you on my result so far.

Harald Leithner:
check your "about us" page its starts with "test" in german.


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