English > Extensions and jDiction

JEvents with jDiction

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I tried the use of JEvents in a site with jDiction. There are several problems:

The category-manager in the backend of JEvents works, exept the management of events. There I get this error:

--- Code: ---Fatal error: Class 'JdFinderIndexerAdapter' not found in CLIENTROOT/plugins/finder/jdcontent/jdcontent.php on line 37
--- End code ---

Another problem is on the frontend, when the module Latest JEvents is published, after a klick on an other language than the standard:

--- Code: ---Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'UnableToCalculatePositionException' with message 'cannot calculate position of '2012-12-19
00:00:00' within '2012-12-19 00:00:00'OR det.multiday=1) AND ev.state=1 AND catmapcat.access IN (1,1) AND catmap.catid IN
(-1,92,93,94,95,96,97,98,99,100,101,102,103,104,105,106,107) AND ev.access IN (1,1) AND icsf.state=1 AND icsf.access IN (1,1)
GROUP BY rpt.rp_id ORDER BY rpt.startrepeat asc LIMIT 10' in CLIENTROOT/libraries/jdiction/database/database/mysqli-
parser.php:2023 Stack trace: #0 CLIENTROOT/libraries/jdiction/database/database/mysqli-parser.php(2039): PositionCalculator-
>lookForBaseExpression('SELECT rpt.*, e...', 1126, Array, 2, Array) #1 CLIENTROOT/libraries/jdiction/database/database/mysqli-
parser.php(2039): PositionCalculator->lookForBaseExpression('SELECT rpt.*, e...', 1126, Array, 'sub_tree', Array) #2 CLIENTROOT/
libraries/jdiction/database/database/mysqli-parser.php(2039): PositionCalculator->lo in CLIENTROOT/iceskating/libraries/jdiction/
database/database/mysqli-parser.php on line 2023
--- End code ---

Is that a problem from JEvents or does anybody know a solution?


Christian Graf

Harald Leithner:
Could you tell me your jdiction version?

In jdcontent.php there should be the line jimport('jdiction.finder.adapter'); if not please try the attacht alpha.

The other problem could be a not so clean formated sql string in jevents. I could check this after my vacation in 2 weeks.

Harald Leithner:
Maybe this version could fix your sql problem but its not tested, it only updates the sql parser

i want to back to this topic, have you used for this speciall version of jdiction.xml like for joomgallery and k2?

Harald Leithner:
I'm not sure what you mean.


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