English > Install & Configure jDiction

Can't see the translations

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Harald Leithner:

The second Image should help you

Yes, I saw the error, fixed that one, but didn't fix the problem...

Harald Leithner:
could you give me access to the admin interface (per PM plz)

Harald Leithner:
There are several problems.

First you set the language for all entries (menu, article, category, module) to dutch, this have to be "All" if you want to translate this item with jdiction.

the second seams to be a missing file in jdiction, but I could not upload a new version because you didn't give me the rights for this, you will find a newer release attached please install this file.

Thx a lot already!
I uploaded the file, should there be a difference now? The homepage has the translation now, but the, for example, news page doesn't work.


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