English > General Questions

Fatal error: Class 'MySqliParser' not found in


Hi, I just installed Jdiction (Joomla 2.5.9).
My site was build in Dutch. I like te add an English translation. Everything seems to work. At my site ( http://www.dutch-vintage-animation.org/index.php/nl ) you see the menu's and articles in Dutch and in English. But visitors must open the Dutch article and then change langues to English. If someone wants to open  the English translation from the menu this error appears:
Fatal error: Class 'MySqliParser' not found in /home/dutchyonli/domains/dutch-vintage-animation.org/public_html/libraries/jdiction/database/database/mysqli.php on line 142

My (newbee) questions are: what does this mean and where are these settings.
I have changed in Global Configurations the database to Jdiction_Mysqli. What did I miss?
Thanks for your attention.

Harald Leithner:
That was a bug before jdiction if you install the latest version this problem should be gone.

I had version allready installed. Now I use and it works. Thank you. It is a very usefull tool!


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