English > Extensions and jDiction
JoomGallery and jDiction
Doublepost with a reason: Installed experimental JDiction with joomgallery-XML. Here are my first impressions.
To sum it up: (Almost) everything works beautifully, without any additional programming. Congrats, great work.
Only a small drawback for the existing categories. For some -to me- unknown reason, the link in the flag for the translation was wrong (only for preexisting categories) and even if i entered the right link in the browser URL the translated gallery would not show up (there where some capital letters, were they did not belong and sometimes there even was a link to the main category instead of one to the subcategory, i was in. I did not get the pattern for this behaviour.). I still got the 404. I will test this further and try to recover the preexisting/faulty galleries.
Another side-effect was that a working translation on an article (here a '-en' was added as a postfix) was also defunctional, because of a wrong link on the language flag. A new article worked out of the box.
Greetings, Dorian.
Harald Leithner:
if you give me an admin account per pm I could look at this.
To my embarassment i found out, that i simply did not translate all nested subcategories and/or mesed up some alias, which might have caused the main problem. After having moved all pictures in new categories, everything is working just fine. I even can't replicate the errors i had before. I didn't even need to go into the code or XML-File.
Thank very much for your helpfullness, but we (mainly my wife) are rebuilding her website, which gave us the oppoturnity to start from scratch. So there was actually no real harm done to existing content.
Greetings Dorian.
Harald Leithner:
thx for the info, here is the link to JoomGallery Addon http://www.en.joomgallery.net/downloads/joomgallery-for-joomla-25/extensions/jdiction-integration-for-joomgallery.html
it would be nice if you vote for jdiction at the joomla extension directory.
This would work for modules?
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