English > General Questions

Can't save the translation of an article



Today I decided to put third language to the website that I'm developing. Now the website have Bulgarian, English and Russian, as the Bulgarian is the default language.
I'm using the latest version of Joomla and your plugin, i followed all the instructions for installation and everything was perfect. When I added the third language and tried to save the translation of an article in Russian for example it can't be saved. It shows a popup asking do I want to exit the page - if yes, the content would be not saved, or no - to stay on the page.
This problem doesn't occur when I'm translating a menu item.
I've tried to translate in two different browsers - Firefox and Chrome. The issue still persists.

I don't know what to do.

Thanks in advance

Harald Leithner:
^^hmm can't check this maybe its fixed in the latest not released version. I attached it for you.

Thank you very much, that solved the problem. :)


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