Hi there
I installed the latest jDiction on a new Joomla 2.5 and for that I followed all steps of the documentation
Everything else went well so far but I can't see the english flag to switch the languages!?
German is the standard language ans the flag is visible. Second language has to be English. Languages are also installed and activated...
If I set the language module to show flags AND text, I can see: text "English (UK)" | german flag | text "Deutsch"

No problem if I choose the "English text" link - everything is translated well.
I checked the file .../media/mod_languages/images and found the image "en.gif" in it. That doesn't seem to be the problem.
Also I checked the image prefix in the english language configuration and it is "en" which should be right.
Nevertheless there is no english flag to see...
Does anybody know how to solve this problem?
Best regards,