English > Extensions and jDiction
AEC (Account Expiration Control)
we use jDiction on a Joomla 2.5 installation and so far it works great. Now I would like to enable the AEC Component (www.valanx.org) for our multilangual site. The idea is to use jDiction. Is there a how-to-guide for the required XML-File? Is there a way that you could support this process? (SQL-Log, etc)
Thank you very much
Harald Leithner:
Does this component display anything dynamic to the user?
If it has a joomfish translation file it would be fast forward to translate it.
The AEC Component stores texts in the database. I already know the tables etc. Would it be possible to have a simple XML file based on the tables without UI-Integration?
I could not find a Joomfish XML file. Is there documentation about how to write such an XML-File?
Actually, I just found a link with an XML-File for JoomFish:
Harald Leithner:
Hmm atm there is no interface to translate table content without ui integration, but it seams to be necessary.
The Idea behind jdiction is to have a "better" interface as joomfish.
No there is no documentation for the xml atm because the specs are not finished.
I have to install this component and look at it.
Edit without edit: I will translate the xml file for you, hopefully today.
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