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Harald Leithner:
That could have multiple reasons,
one the Query is too complex for jdiction thats be used by mod_news_pro_gk4 if could be changed by the author of mod_news_pro_gk4 if he would use JDatabaseQuery jdiction should not have any problem to translate the query.
second there is something that is loaded before jdiction could start translating things, that normaly only happens for menu items, but could also happen here.
3rd maybe its a cache problem. Its not really trivial to find the problem. You need to have some php knowledge to debug this problem...
I will try to help you.
When I select a database type - on my site is colour of white, with text error......
how select corect database?
Harald Leithner:
Whats the error message?
In Database type I selected MSQLI-Jdiction - the screen is white and write this - Error displaying the error page: Cannot open file for writing log
Harald Leithner:
Problem solved I think?
can't write to log means, Joomla could not write to the log directory, this must be writeable to joomla and could be set in the system settings.
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