English > Extensions and jDiction
Jdiction and VIK Rental Car
Is it possible to have xml files for VIK Rental Car? In their component package there are xml files for joomfish and falang, and of course i can send them if it helps
thanks in advance
Harald Leithner:
Yes its possible, If you send me the files I may can translate them.
--- Quote from: Harald Leithner on January 10, 2014, 07:27:58 pm ---Yes its possible, If you send me the files I may can translate them.
--- End quote ---
my pleasure :)
--- Quote from: eurostratos on January 10, 2014, 09:26:12 pm ---
--- Quote from: Harald Leithner on January 10, 2014, 07:27:58 pm ---Yes its possible, If you send me the files I may can translate them.
--- End quote ---
Hello my friend!
any progress?
--- End quote ---
Harald Leithner:
I checked the demo page today and found out that VikRentCar doesn't use the standard Joomla way to define backend Links. So jDiction has a problem to find the correct component view...
sorry without access to the source I can't do anything, also if I have the source it maybe not possible to jdiction to find the correct view...
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