English > General Questions
Not Translating.
I believe i have completed most of the processes but i must of missed something.
Check List
Test Result
Library Version: 1.0.1
Joomla Version 3.2.2 is unkown. <<<Maybe this is a problem?
JDiction Plugin is enabled
Languagefilter is enabled
jDiction Database Driver is selected
Seam to be good
Module is enabled
It seams that there a no common mistakes.
[glow=red,2,300]More info:[/glow]
There is only the English flag showing
I have Two languages, English (default) and zh_TW Chineses.
Language Pack is>> zh-TW_joomla_lang_full_3.2.1v1
Everything is set to ALL languages
Thanks in advance.
Harald Leithner:
The default language is set to Chineses thats the reason why you see an english flag, because you translate the "default" content to another language.
You didn't explain the problem, have you translated an article?
Hi, thanks for the quick reply.
Default language is English (United Kingdom)
I have translated Menus. categories and articles.
When i click on the En flag the page reloads but nothing else happens.(no translation)
So, no Menu translation or Article translations.
Harald Leithner:
if the default language is english and you see the english flag on the backend something is wrong.
Are you sure use selected the sitelanguage english as default?
Pretty sure i have.
Attached a couple of pics..
* * EDIT * *
It is working when using:
STYLE > Text Only
If i change back to
STYLE > Flag
The same problem arises.
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