English > Install & Configure jDiction

Not loading site after jdiction installation & configuration (SOLVED)

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And also this:

Harald Leithner:
is  display_errors on now? because the greek version stops at

--- Code: ---<h1 class="sitename"><a href="/" id="logo">
--- End code ---
That seams that the code that tries to get the title, fails....

You could also try the current test build.

No, it's not on, as I could work on the backend.

Please give me some minutes in order to try the new package.

I'd like to ask you something else: my default lang is greek. Is it normal that when i try to translate an article with jdiction, it requires a translation in english AND in greek? all the previous times I translated something in a site, I was asked to give only the english translation, not the language I had as default.

Harald Leithner:

--- Quote from: aggelikouli on March 16, 2014, 06:37:15 pm ---I'd like to ask you something else: my default lang is greek. Is it normal that when i try to translate an article with jdiction, it requires a translation in english AND in greek? all the previous times I translated something in a site, I was asked to give only the english translation, not the language I had as default.

--- End quote ---

Thats not normal, if you have 2 content languages jdiction should only display one language (the not default language)

I have the same problem,, even if I installed the new package. Two language translations needed and the greek not showing.

I really don't know what else to do. I'm really sorry for spending your time. Do you want me to give you access to the backend? I suppose I do something wrong...


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