English > Install & Configure jDiction
Main menu - not translating
Hello again!
I did all the required action and translated all the articles-modules, etc at the backend.
The problem is that the main menu is not translated when I change language in jdiction. I think that it's not right duplicate all the menu titles (except "home" of course) and set them in the two languages i want.
What do you suggest?
Harald Leithner:
there could be a problem with the template or with the plugin load order or another plugin, the jdiction plugin must be the first that get loaded.
I tried to change jdiction plugin in position 1 & I think I did it, but the check report doesn't say so...What can I do?
Thank you
Harald Leithner:
change the admin backend to "hathor" then you can change the position per numbers.
sorry, I don't understand what you told me to do... :(
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