English > Extensions and jDiction

JCK and jDiction compatiblility: solved


Hi all,

I rewrote the template file form_25.php, so jDiction also works with the editor JoomlaCK.
For people who don't know, how to use template overrides:
1) create folders such that his path exists: "joomla_root\administrator\templates\bluestork\html\com_jdiction\translation"
2) copy the files from the folder "joomla_root\administrator\components\com_jdiction\views\translation\tmpl" to the path in step 1
3) replace the file form_25.php with the file in this attachment

That's it!

Greetings Nick

Ok, it is not perfect yet. I need to add the onchange event for the CKeditor, so the hidden input is changed to id_status is set to changed.

I'll update the file soon.

Hereby a fully working version.

Enjoy it!

this is great, hope this will be in the next jdiction update.
i'm not a great fan of overrides on business clients ;)

oooh.. what version of jdiction did you use? mine looks completly different. 1.2.0

Harald Leithner:
his version is for joomla 2.5


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