English > Extensions and jDiction

Compatibility with Advanced Module Manager


Hi all,

Currently I'm busy with making jDiction compatible with the component Advanced Module Manager. This manager uses the default #__modules table and next to that another table for the extra information. The extra information doesn't need to be translated.

At the moment it shows the translation flags at the overview and also the links are correct. However when I want to save the translation of the HTML content for custom HTML modules, it filters out all the HTML.

What I did so far was simply copy the modules.xml located in libraries\jdiction\tables and change the name of the file and the component tag in the xml file. I also attached the file, so you can see what I did.

My problem is that I don't understand why it suddenly filters the HTML as exactly the same (type of) fields are defined in the XML file as for the regular Module Manager and it used exactly the same table for storing the data. I also tested the translation of custom HTML modules with the regular Module Manager and there no HTML is filtered and it works perfect.

Please let me know, if you know how to solve this!

Greetings Nick

Harald Leithner:
You can try to add

--- Code: ---filter="JComponentHelper::filterText"
--- End code ---

--- Code: ---<field name="content" />
--- End code ---

that maybe solves the problem.

Hi Harald, thank you so much for your fast reply! Your solution definitely helped, but it is not completely working yet. I can now save the HTML, which is great. However it only saves the translation when I first empty the textarea and save it, whereafter I give the translation and save it again.
So when I load the previously translated item and I try to save the changes, it doesn't save. I need to make the textarea empty first and save it.

Do you have any idea, why it doesn't update the content, except when there was not content? The translated item itself is not deleted though, because the title is also translated.

PS I now added the same xml to the admin component directory of the Advanced Module Manager and called it jdiction.xml to make it a bit more neat and update proof.

Harald Leithner:
I tested it and worked fine for me, what textarea do you mean?

My apologies, there was a small mistake in the script with the editor. This XML now works fine!

For other users, just download the attachment and place it in joomla_root\administrator\components\com_advancedmodules.

Greetings Nick


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