English > Install & Configure jDiction

Site down after publishing plg_finder_jdcontent-1.2.0

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Yes I have, but I do not know what to do with it
can you help me please?

Harald Leithner:
could you search for the plg_jdiction and check if it is active?

because it looks like that the plugin could not find the library.

did you installed jdiction correctly? check if you have /library/jdiction/jdiction.php please

I can`t find plg_jdiction in phpmyadmin
Probably, I've installed the component incorrectly, my first time... and no, I don`t have /library/jdiction/jdiction.php

Harald Leithner:
please delete the folder /plugins/finder/plg_finder_jdcontent and the row in the database.

I did it, but still I have blank page both in frontend and backend


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