English > General Questions

Tags in Joomla 3.x

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Harald Leithner:
What exactly is the problem?

Normal translation of the tag title and description should work, content displayed in a tag overview will not work as expected.

I translate tag, but icons is with exclamation mark (tags.png) but in jdiction component this tag is invisible (tags1.png)

Edit: strange, but works. Now I read article, and tags are visible and change, when I change language. Sorry for the confusion.

Harald Leithner:
I can't confirm this, for me its working...

the exclamation mark means that the translation is out of date. So the translation must be there.

It means you changed the tag after you saved the translation... (thats the theory)


--- Quote from: Harald Leithner on July 15, 2014, 02:39:30 pm ---com_tags loads it content from the ucm tables and not from the original tables thats the reason why its not translated.

--- End quote ---

Hi Harald,

Is there any solutions for this ? When im trying to load article from tags it will just show my original language article even though i have changed to second language. Please advise.


Harald Leithner:
It should be possible to translate the ucm table with data from jdiction but that needs some work in jdiction.

What you can do (not the best/efficent solution) is to query the #__article by hand in the template.

So if you have little programming skills that should be possible, here is an untested example:

--- Code: ---$db = JFactory::getDbo();
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
$article = $db->loadObject();

--- End code ---
You can use this snipped in the template override for com_tags/tag/default_items.php inside the "foreach ($items as $i => $item) : " loop.

If you have no idea what I'm talking about, then you have to wait till I have time to do it on jdiction site.


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