Hi, i have installed latest jDiction on Joomla 3.3.1
First problem was that i had to create table _jd_store manualy because anyone was created by instalation. When I create #__jd_store it doesn't worked so I created it with my prefix... and now when I want to switch languages page can't be found.
Test Result
Library Version:
Joomla Version 3.3.1 is untested.
JDiction Plugin is enabled
JDiction Plugin is loaded at position 0 should be 1
Languagefilter is enabled
Multiple Plugins have the same loading position (0)
jDiction Database Driver is selected
Seam to be good
Module is enabled
Common mistakes
At least one menu item has the language set not to ALL.
At least one content item has the language set not to ALL.
At least one category has the language set not to ALL.
I think there is problem with some prefix because string #__ wasn't replaced to my database prefix.
some records in table:
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `alvajoom_jd_store` (
`idJdStore` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`idLang` tinyint(4) NOT NULL COMMENT 'language id alvajoom_languages',
`idReference` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Primary key for translation',
`referenceTable` varchar(67) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Table of the translation',
`referenceOption` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
`referenceView` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
`referenceLayout` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
`sourcehash` varchar(32) NOT NULL,
`value` longtext NOT NULL COMMENT 'serialized table value',
`modified` datetime NOT NULL,
`modified_by` int(11) NOT NULL,
`state` tinyint(4) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`idJdStore`),
UNIQUE KEY `idLang` (`idLang`,`referenceTable`,`idReference`)
(16, 1, 107, '#__modules', 'com_modules', 'module', 'edit', '1068d420be94ad2c3619a712fc5c1c07', '<?xml version="1.0"?>\n<jDiction><title><![CDATA[JDLANG]]></title></jDiction>\n', '2014-07-28 08:57:18', 0, 1),
(19, 3, 14, '#__content', 'com_content', 'article', 'edit', '47ad67712c7151688be63cb79ec259e2', '<?xml version="1.0"?>\n<jDiction><title><![CDATA[Contact]]></title><alias><![CDATA[contact]]></alias></jDiction>\n', '2014-07-28 08:58:47', 0, 1),