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Author Topic: sh404 with Jdiction  (Read 14875 times)


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sh404 with Jdiction
« on: August 06, 2014, 06:19:06 am »


  It seems there are some compatibility issues when using Jdiction with sh404sef. I am using the latest versions for both components (which I downloaded just an hour ago from their respective download pages.)

I read here in the forum (http://forum.jdiction.org/index.php?topic=548.0) that someone did get it to work with sh404sef but I'm not clear to how he/she did it.

The only difference is that I'm using J3.3.3.

Also, when I activate the language module, I get a 500 error, but I found out that if you deactivate the last setting (something to do with javascript) in the module, the problem is fixed.

Right now, I am using non-alias URLs...meaning the language of the site... e.g. mysite.com/俺のサイト and I don't think I will change that setting since I have over 1000 articles using these settings.

If anyone here has any advice on how to get this ball rolling, all would be appreciated!

Harald Leithner

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Re: sh404 with Jdiction
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2014, 01:44:26 pm »


whats the problem with sh404sef?

And could you give me a real url?

The last Option is update Hash iirc? That should not generate an 500 Error...

do you have the output of the checkpage for me?

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