English > General Questions
Blank Screens
Hi Harald,
I am in the process of implementing jdiction on our new website, after having it working on an development site.
After following the installation steps everything looked to have gone smoothly with the language switcher appearing on the front end and working correctly.
The issue I have is in the back end;
* the check page just shows a blank white page
* clicking on the tranlsate icon in list view or within an article/menu etc shows only a blank white page
* when importing an xliff file on click upload I am left with a blank white pageI am able to export the xliff with no issues, and K2 is working once adding the jdiction.xml to the correct folder.
Console doesn't look to be showing any errors, not sure how to turn on the php errors you have mentioned in some other threads.
Any advise on next step is appreciated.
Harald Leithner:
which php and jdiction version do you use?
do you have access to the apache error.log?
you may activate the error reporting in joomla configuration, if this doesn't work you can try to add this to the begin of the index.php in the administrator directory:
--- Code: ---ini_set('display_errors',1);
--- End code ---
Thanks you for the prompt reply.
php 5.3.15
Joomla 2.5.24
Error.log only reported some missing files that I knew about (images which I hadn't uploaded)
Everything else reports no errors.
Have done 2 rollbacks/re installs (joomla 2.5.19) to no success.
Is there anything else we can try.
Hi Harald,
Got it all sorted now. Ended up being that "DOM manipluation" wasn't installed as mentioned in another thread.
Will be finally doing our 17000+ word count .xliff export/import to 7 languages using the CAT tool (you where helping with in a previous thread earlier in the year) over the next 2 weeks. Will let you know how it goes.
Harald Leithner:
ok thx would be nice to see the site.
My biggest site has 8 Languages and 68000+ words, so I think jdiction can handle big sites ;-)
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