English > Install & Configure jDiction

fatal error

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Hi There,

I tried to isntall jDiction and than uninstall it again, but now I can not acces my site.
Not in front or at backend.
Only php error message that says:
Fatal error: Cannot access property started with '\0' in /customers/b/2/3/tattooseminars.be/httpd.www/libraries/joomla/registry/registry.php on line 439

Can you  help me?

This is a part of the code from the file the fatal error mentions. I have put line 439 in bold:

   protected function bindData($parent, $data)
      // Ensure the input data is an array.
      if (is_object($data))
         $data = get_object_vars($data);
         $data = (array) $data;

      foreach ($data as $k => $v)
         if ((is_array($v) && JArrayHelper::isAssociative($v)) || is_object($v))
            $parent->$k = new stdClass;
            $this->bindData($parent->$k, $v);
            $parent->$k = $v;

Harald Leithner:
Good question this should not happen.

And I dont know the reason... maybe you couls check the configuration.php if there is the database driver selected.

The second is you could check the database table #__extensions if there is the jdiction plugin enabled

Thank you for your fast reply.

In my configuration.php file I've searched for everything that contains 'db' in it and the results are:
public $dbtype = 'mysqli';
public $db = 'tattooseminars_';
public $dbprefix = 'ohit5_';

checking database tables right now..

Harald Leithner:
open the configure.php and remove all spaces before <? And save again


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