English > General Questions
New errors
Done and sent.
Harald Leithner:
good the needed query is not in it ;-)
please add after line 386 ("translate = fale;") the following line:
--- Code: --- if ($_REQUEST['debug'] == '2') JLog::add('Query: ' . str_replace("\n", '\n', $this->sql), JLog::DEBUG, 'jdiction');
--- End code ---
Ok, done and sent the new logs file.
Harald Leithner:
please send me a superuser account.
and do you have the latest jdiction version installed?
because it seams that it translates "UPDATE" and "SHOW" queries but that shouldn't be done.
Harald Leithner:
And I did't a misstake.
could you change the code to:
line 429 or so to:
--- Code: --- } else {
if ($_REQUEST['debug'] == '2') JLog::add('Query not translated: ' . str_replace("\n", '\n', $this->sql), JLog::DEBUG, 'jdiction');
//JLog::add('Backtrace: ' . @json_encode(debug_backtrace()), JLog::DEBUG, 'jdiction');
--- End code ---
because atm all queries are translated in the log and thats not true ;-)
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