English > Extensions and jDiction
JEvents Locations
Hi, I tried to make an jdiction.xlm to translate the description of a JEvents-location. This is the first attempt, other translations have to follow. But I am stuck already with the first translation.
My jdiction.xml looks like this:
--- Code: ---<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<cache fullfetch="0" />
<view name="locations.edit" list="locations.overview" layout="default" default="true">
<fieldset name="main" label="COM_JDICTION_TRANSLATION_FIELDSET_MAIN">
<field name="description" type="jdalias" field="description"/>
--- End code ---
But in my JEvents-Locations, I don't get the translation-buttons. Please help :-[
Harald Leithner:
That section is wrong
--- Quote --- <view name="locations.edit" list="locations.overview" layout="default" default="true">
<fieldset name="main" label="COM_JDICTION_TRANSLATION_FIELDSET_MAIN">
<field name="description" type="jdalias" field="description"/>
--- End quote ---
Try the following
--- Quote ---<view name="location" list="locations" layout="edit" default="true">
<form import="location.xml">
<fieldset name="main" label="COM_JDICTION_TRANSLATION_FIELDSET_MAIN">
<field name="title" />
<field name="description" />
--- End quote ---
Hab ich geändert, leider immer noch kein Button zum Übersetzen da. Für das reine JEvents habe ich die vorgefertigte XML genommen, das ging wunderbar. Nur diese hier will nicht. Das "description" aus <field name="description" /> habe ich direkt aus der Datenbank genommen, richtig so?
Harald Leithner:
Schau dir lieber das XML im admin com_components/models/forms/location.XML
Außerdem wäre spannend was in der URL steht beim editieren.
\forms gibt es gar nicht. Direkt im \models gibt es eine location.xml:
--- Code: ---<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<param name="target" type="list" default="" label="Target" description="Target window when the link is clicked">
<option value="">Use Global</option>
<option value="0">Parent Window With Browser Navigation</option>
<option value="1">New Window With Browser Navigation</option>
<option value="2">New Window Without Browser Navigation</option>
--- End code ---
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