English > Install & Configure jDiction
Default Portuguese Language don't see others languagues to translate
Hello Harald,
I tried to install your extension in other site.
I have three languages, that follows bellow:
- Portuguese (My native language)
- English
- Spanish
When i'm with the portuguese language as default, i can't see the others languages to translate through the panel, but when i'm with English or Spanish Language as default, i can see the others languages to translate normally.
I checked that every menu, article and category are enabled to all languages.
Do you know how to fix this issue?
Harald Leithner:
Strange... Is the language code correct? If so could you send me a superuser account?
Hmm.. Harald i made some tests and your extension runs normally in spanish version. And what i know follows below:
- When i'm with English language as default, i can translate to Portuguese.
- When i'm with Portuguese language as default, i can't translate to others languages.
- When i'm with Spanish language as default, i can translate to Portuguese and English.
- I translated a menu with Spanish Language as default to others languages, and apparently works well.
But i only need that the Portuguese Language be a default language
I sent a pm to you, with the access. Take a look.
Thanks a lot!
Harald Leithner:
No PM till now
I sent after your post. Did you receive?
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