English > Install & Configure jDiction

Help needed - Translating doesn't work properly

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Hello and thank you for producing this great plugin.

Unfortunately, i could not make it work properly in my case. I am facing the following issue:

once i press the flag for a different language, its only one article which is being translated. To be exact: i can access the whole website in english, that works good. I can see language flag everywhere. When i press it, it translates the single article opened in this very moment. All menus disappear.

Your help is very much appreciated.

Harald Leithner:
could you please paste the checkpage?

Could you please guide me how to do this? I am a bit new to web administration. Thank you!

I read the forum through earlier today, but could not really find an answer how to find the check page :(

Under components menu there is no jdiction sub-menu

Harald Leithner:
visit this on your joomla installation:


submenu does exist if on the right side.

Thank you.

Here is the result of the check page: http://prntscr.com/6f3on0

From what i read in forum, i understand that the plugin has to be the first one to be loaded. However, when i am moving it upwards (as guided in installing instruction). I cannot move it higher than some other positions. I tried changing templates to joomla preinstalled, doesn't work.


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