English > General Questions

XLIFF import problem

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I have just installed diction 1.4.1 on a joomla 3.4 website. "Manual" translation works fine. However, I need to translate the website with a CAT tool using the xliff export. They xliff export works fine but when I try to import the translated xliff file I get 0 translations imported. They same happens when exporting and importing a csv file.
I'd be very glad if you could help me with that.
Thanks in advance!

Harald Leithner:
I will check that later

Thanks in advance.

Hi Harald,
Did you already find out about that mistake/behaviour? I have to localize a Joomla 3.4 website into four languages soon and would really like to use jDiction as it is the only Joomla plugin (that I know) that supports XLIFF/CSV export and import for using professional CAT tools in the translation process (which is essential for me).
Thanks in advance!
Best regards,

Hi both,

I have the same problem here. I have a dutch website and created two languages NL and EN. Exported the NL to XLIFF and had that translated. Now when i try to import the EN translation it says 0 translations found...

Attached you can find the translated XLIFF file, maybe something is wrong with that?

Joomla 2.5.19 & JDiction 1.3.2

Grtz, Mark


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