English > General Questions

Language gets changed but jDiction doesn't change to new language

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Hi, Harald. It almost works...
It works once the first translation shows, that is after the page gets refreshed for the first time after selected a new language.

But one must first click a language two times or refresh the page.

Any idea why this is happening?

Harald Leithner:
?! I installed a ned version of the plugin that handles some translation parts, after this it worked for me...

do you still have problems?

The problem persists with the first click of the new language.
After first click it doesn't load the language selected.
On second click on the same language or the other language, everything starts to work normally.


I also get this strange mistake after update to J3.4.1 and jDiction to 1.4.1
Any ideas?

I'ts a not a jDiction problem, i'ts J3.4.1 languagefilter plugin!

Very easy! You can copy an older version (from J3.3.6) of languagefilter.php file from the language_switcher plugin and overwrite the excising one. (yoursite/plugins/system/languagefilter/languagefilter.php)
The older version of languagefilter.php attached.



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