English > Install & Configure jDiction

Cache and loading position

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Now i have joomla 3.3.6 and jDiction works well.

I have a new poblem now. Some part of my template works just if my text editor is codemirror but as we know jDiction works just with tiny editor.

So now i don't see some section of the site. I don't think there is a solution.

Harald Leithner:
I hope i have some time next Werk to fix 3.4.1 issues and add custom editor support

Thanks Herald,
That will be much appreciated!
Crossing fingers and waiting for your solution next week..

Harald Leithner:
I think I fixed the Problem with Joomla 3.4.1, DO NOT INSTALL ON Joomla! 3.3.x this will end with an error.

The checkpage is important.

The Joomla Languagefilter Plugin must be loaded before the jDiction Plugin get loaded.

Please test the new version and report back, thx.

PS: No custom editor support in this release.


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