English > Install & Configure jDiction
Changing default language
Hi Harald,
I filled a website with dutch articles/menus. Installed jDiction and added a english translations to all articles/menus. I now can switch between dutch and english, no problem! But if lets say a french visitor enters my site he will see the dutch language. I would like to show english articles/menus to them i don't have a translation for.
If i change the default language (Extensions > Language Manager > Installed - Site) to english all the articles/menus show up in dutch, no matter if i choose EN or DU manually.
Do i have to follow the procedure as described here http://forum.jdiction.org/index.php/topic,853.msg3392.html#msg3392. So export all languages and then import the EN as the default language and DU as the translation?
I am running jDiction 1.4.2 on a Joomla 3.4.1.
Harald Leithner:
yes you have to follow this procedure, but I didn't fixed the problem found there... maybe you don't have this problem so please try if it works for you.
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