English > General Questions
Translation per sentence
Thank you a lot for this plugin!
I made a website in English and I want to export it and translate to German. I'm using the XLIFF file (.xlf) and when I open the file it appears the HTML tags, is there any software that handles the HTML tags? If so, what's the best one?
And is it possible to translate it per sentence instead of having the whole text?
Thanks in advance,
Pedro Pinto
Harald Leithner:
You are using 2 accounts to ask me two questions?
Anyway about the XLIFF thing, I don't have any translation program my self. But as I read the specs of the XLIFF format a "good" translation program should hand HTML it self. (I didn't wrote a converter for this because I don't have any software using XLIFF, if you have one send it to me).
And no jdiction can't translate per sentence that should be done in the translation software, atm I have no use case for sentence translation.
Hi Harald. Thanks for your prompt reply. Our client is using MemoQ XLIFF editor. What he says is:
" I had no problem importing the XLIFF file, from what I can see it is a problem in how the file is generated. You don’t need an XLIFF editor to see this. If you look at the XML in a text editor, then you can see that entire web pages are being packaged as single translation units."
Please let me know your thoughts - should he be using a different editor?
Harald Leithner:
Each content article is saved as its own entity in the XLF file, the html code is included if any.
The free version of MemoQ doesn't support XLIFF...
Maybe you get some screenshots to see where the problem is?
Thanks for your response - this is what our client says:
"I have the paid version of MemoQ, so that’s not the issue. The problem is that translators work at sentence level. Each translation unit in the XLIFF file should be a single sentence, but they are packaging an entire web page. As I said in the initial query on this, the file should segment (i.e. start a new translation unit) every time it sees certain punctuation i.e. a full stop or colon usually.
They say ““Each content article is saved as its own entity in the XLF file“ which seems to suggest there’s a fundamental problem somewhere.
If you look at the screen shot below, you can see that “Capabilities” as a heading has segmented as you’d expect, on it’s own row 103 (displayed here in MemoQ) and on the right you can see that MemoQ has been able to match this to the Chinese translation. Below this is the next segment – as you can see it has many sentences concatenated together, meaning the translation tool cannot match the translation against database (it looks for sentences that match, not for entire pages). There should be a new translation unit everywhere the is a full stop or a <br>.
Hope this helps illustrate the issue I’m facing."
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