English > Install & Configure jDiction
Problem with jdiction_mysqli
Hi, I instaled and using jDiction on small web with three languages. When I using only simple content .. everything is all right. But ... when I can use some image gelleries as FWGallery or RsMediaGallery ... an errors occurs - e.g.:
--- Quote ---5 - cannot calculate position of (i.id) within DISTINCT(i.id), i.filename, i.title, i.url, i.description, i.params, i.hits, i.created, i.modified FROM idyll_rsmediagallery_items i LEFT JOIN idyll_rsmediagallery_tags t ON (i.id=t.item_id) WHERE i.published='1' AND (t.tag='interier') ORDER BY i.ordering asc
--- End quote ---
What is wrong with jdisction_mysqlli???
Harald Leithner:
The upcoming version has many performance improvements
and one side effect of this is that query that don't need to be translated don't get touched.
if you like to be a beta tester of the new version you could download the attachment of the post but please backup your data!!!!
Once again this version is totally untested, only used in a site that I'm developing atm.
Thanx for you offer. I´ll test it on my test site.
Harald Leithner:
I have a new Preview for you, with many changes in xml and database handling.
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