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jDiction 2.2.0 released. http://jdiction.org/downloads

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 on: July 16, 2024, 08:21:04 am 
Started by ese105 - Last post by Harald Leithner
Should work

 on: July 15, 2024, 09:31:56 pm 
Started by ese105 - Last post by andrea.voegel
I renamed the plugin folder and it works again. Thanks! If I install the new version for 5.1.2, do I have to delete the wrongly installed jDiction version? Or can I install it without causing any problems? I don't want to break the site again.

 on: July 14, 2024, 11:13:29 pm 
Started by ese105 - Last post by Harald Leithner
Disable the Plugin in the database or rename the Plugin folder of jdiction. Send me an E-Mail then you get a working version for 5.1

 on: July 14, 2024, 10:05:51 pm 
Started by ese105 - Last post by andrea.voegel
Hello, I made the mistake of installing jDiciton version 2.2.3 on Joomla 5.1.2. It worked. But when I activated the plugin "System - jDiction multilanguage package", my site stopped working. It shows the error: Call to undefined method Joomla\Database\Mysqli\MysqliDriver::stashQuery()

I can no longer manage the backend.  :-\  :-\

Can someone please help me get the site back online?

Thank You!

 on: July 01, 2024, 09:25:27 am 
Started by Marcinooo222 - Last post by Harald Leithner

it seems you fixed it your self, I would expect you changed the configuration.php directly?

 on: June 30, 2024, 07:02:21 pm 
Started by Marcinooo222 - Last post by Marcinooo222
After deleting jdiction and all files related to it, an error appears on my website. How to fix it?


 on: June 14, 2024, 03:46:42 pm 
Started by ese105 - Last post by Harald Leithner
there is only an internal testing version for 4 and 5 but it's already used on several sides in production, please send me an email and I send you a copy

 on: June 14, 2024, 02:53:36 pm 
Started by ese105 - Last post by vtheod
Hello Harald,

Is jdiction working with j4 and j5? If yes, which version to download?

 on: November 13, 2023, 01:25:45 pm 
Started by ese105 - Last post by channelsurfer
Könnt ich die vielleicht haben zum testen? :D Die Version die ich da habe ist die vom 11.07.2023

 on: November 13, 2023, 11:07:12 am 
Started by ese105 - Last post by Harald Leithner
es gibt noch keine 3.0.1 es gibt nur eine version aus dem versions system heraus. aktuell ist die interne testversion 438edec5 vom 3.10.23

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