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jDiction 2.2.0 released. http://jdiction.org/downloads

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Topics - nkt

Pages: [1]
Hi all,

Unfortunately jDiction isn't indexing all the articles when multiple languages are configured and the total amount of articles is higher than the batch size of the indexer. However I created a solution for this problem, simply replace /ROOT/libraries/jdiction/finder/adapter.php with the attached file and your indexer will index all the articles in a correct manner.

Technical details: Not all articles are indexed. This is because the indexer increases the offset for the getItems query for every indexed article. This means that every article that is indexed the offset of the MySQL query for all languages increases, therefore skipping articles. This was temporary solved by dividing the offset by 2, however this means that a lot of articles will get indexed twice. This increases the indexed article counter, while no new articles are actually added. This results in not enough index iterations (batches) to index all articles since the amount of indexations is not equal to the amount of uniquely added articles, because some articles are indexed twice. Eventually this leads to a premature stop of the indexation. This problem is solved by adding an counter/offset per language which I have added in the attached file. See comments in attached file for explanation of the code.

@Harald: can you update jDiction so this improvement is included?


General Questions / Update search index after saving translation
« on: October 14, 2016, 06:23:48 am »
Hi all,

I have the problem that my indexed (smart) search results are not updated after I change the translation. I figured out that if I save the translation, the translation isn't reindexed. However if I also save the original article then the translation is reindexed. I guess that saving the article in the com_content environment triggers the Jdiction Smart Search plugin and the saving the translation in the com_jdiction doesn't trigger the Jdiction Smart Search plugin.

Did someone already found/coded a solution for this?

Joomla 3.6.2
Jdiction 2.0.0
2 (active) languages

Cheers Nick

Extensions and jDiction / Compatibility with RQuote
« on: April 30, 2014, 02:57:24 pm »
For who is interested: in the attachment you can find the XML file which makes RQuote and jDiction work together.
Place it in the folder: SITE_ROOT/administrator/com_rquote


Extensions and jDiction / XML for custom made params
« on: April 29, 2014, 04:11:03 pm »
Hi all,

I made a plugin that adds extra parameters to the category detail view in the backend. It adds the following XML file stored in the plugin folder to the form:
Code: [Select]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<fields name="params">
<fieldset name="FILTER">
<field name="filter_exptag" type="checkbox" label="PLG_CONTENT_CATFILTER_EXPTAG" value="1" default="0" />
<field name="namefilter1" type="text" label="PLG_CONTENT_CATFILTER_TEXT" description="PLG_CONTENT_CATFILTER_TEXT_DESC" size="30" />
<field type="spacer" name="myspacer1" hr="true" />
<field name="filter_relexp" type="checkbox" label="PLG_CONTENT_CATFILTER_RELEXP" value="1" default="0"/>
<field name="namefilter2" type="text" label="PLG_CONTENT_CATFILTER_TEXT" description="PLG_CONTENT_CATFILTER_TEXT_DESC" size="30" />
<field type="spacer" name="myspacer2" hr="true" />
<field name="filter_relsec" type="checkbox" label="PLG_CONTENT_CATFILTER_RELSEC" value="1" default="0"/>
<field name="namefilter3" type="text" label="PLG_CONTENT_CATFILTER_TEXT" description="PLG_CONTENT_CATFILTER_TEXT_DESC" size="30" />
The problem is that I won't succeed in translating these custom params. I tried the following for categories.xml and many variations:
Code: [Select]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
          <exportfilter>title != "ROOT"</exportfilter>
          <cache fullfetch="1" />
        <view name="category" list="categories" layout="edit" default="true">
          <form import="category.xml">
          <fieldset name="main" label="COM_JDICTION_TRANSLATION_FIELDSET_MAIN">
              <field name="title" />
              <field name="alias" type="jdalias" field="title" export="false" />
              <field name="metakey" />
              <field name="metadesc" />
              <field name="description" />
  <form import="..\..\..\..\..\plugins\content\catfilter\catfilter.xml">
          <fieldset name="FILTER" label="COM_JDICTION_TRANSLATION_FIELDSET_MAIN">
              <field name="namefilter1" />

To make it more clear, I added my plugin.

Extensions and jDiction / sh404SEF 4.4 and jDiction 1.1
« on: April 27, 2014, 10:26:33 pm »
Hi all,

I want to combine sh404sef 4.4 with jDiction 1.1. When I use the Joomla build-in SEF functionality, everything works fine. However when I activate URL optimatisation, the website works great for the basic/native language. However for the second language it gives an 404 (component not found) for every page, including the home page.

The language filter plugin is activated and has the following settings:
-Automatic language adjustment -> NO
-Menu coupling -> YES
-Remove URL language code -> YES
-Lifetime cookie -> Year
-Add alternative meta tags -> NO

Joomla 2.5 settings:
-Search Engine Friendly URLs -> YES
-Use rewrite URL -> YES

I also tried to set for every language a default/home page, however that also didn't work.

I know this is more a question for the sh404sef forum, however I would love to know if someone has experience with sh404SEF and jDiction.

Greetings Nick

Extensions and jDiction / Compatibility with Advanced Module Manager
« on: April 24, 2014, 04:25:44 pm »
Hi all,

Currently I'm busy with making jDiction compatible with the component Advanced Module Manager. This manager uses the default #__modules table and next to that another table for the extra information. The extra information doesn't need to be translated.

At the moment it shows the translation flags at the overview and also the links are correct. However when I want to save the translation of the HTML content for custom HTML modules, it filters out all the HTML.

What I did so far was simply copy the modules.xml located in libraries\jdiction\tables and change the name of the file and the component tag in the xml file. I also attached the file, so you can see what I did.

My problem is that I don't understand why it suddenly filters the HTML as exactly the same (type of) fields are defined in the XML file as for the regular Module Manager and it used exactly the same table for storing the data. I also tested the translation of custom HTML modules with the regular Module Manager and there no HTML is filtered and it works perfect.

Please let me know, if you know how to solve this!

Greetings Nick

Extensions and jDiction / JCK and jDiction compatiblility: solved
« on: April 24, 2014, 04:07:00 pm »
Hi all,

I rewrote the template file form_25.php, so jDiction also works with the editor JoomlaCK.
For people who don't know, how to use template overrides:
1) create folders such that his path exists: "joomla_root\administrator\templates\bluestork\html\com_jdiction\translation"
2) copy the files from the folder "joomla_root\administrator\components\com_jdiction\views\translation\tmpl" to the path in step 1
3) replace the file form_25.php with the file in this attachment

That's it!

Greetings Nick

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