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jDiction 2.2.0 released. http://jdiction.org/downloads

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Messages - hosstapio

Pages: [1]
General Questions / Re: Language changes on second click
« on: November 30, 2016, 11:43:24 am »
Thanks. It helped.

General Questions / Language changes on second click
« on: November 26, 2016, 09:16:29 pm »
I have an interesting problem. When I click language symbol it changes the address in the address row but not the translation of the page. Only when I click the same language symbol second time the translation changes also. You can check it in here www.allegroartist.com/index.php

Joomla 3.6.4 and JDiction 2.0.0

Install & Configure jDiction / Re: Links to other languages
« on: October 17, 2013, 09:21:14 pm »
I'll think some way to find a solution. Tell you if I can find one.

Install & Configure jDiction / Re: Links to other languages
« on: October 17, 2013, 04:17:33 pm »
Thank you very much.

One more question. I just realised that I have a form embedded in content and the normal link is index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=4&Itemid=110&lang=fi (Ota yhteyttä) but changing the language on that certain page makes the link index.php?option=com_breezingforms&view=article&id=4&Itemid=110&lang=de (Ota yhteyttä saks). So somehow com_content has been replaced by com_breezingforms.

If I change the language in some other page and then click Ota yhteyttä saks in the main menu it works. It happens only when I try to go form Ota yhteyttä to Ota yhteyttä saks, or from any other language to some other language.

Install & Configure jDiction / Re: Links to other languages
« on: October 15, 2013, 04:06:56 pm »

I changed the menu system and now the parser works. But still there's some problems with links. You can see it yourself

Install & Configure jDiction / Re: Links to other languages
« on: October 15, 2013, 01:18:53 pm »
Hi and thanks for answer.

I think access rights are ok, all languages are set to public in Language manager -> Content languages. Should I change them in some other palce?

Now if I go to front page and click flag I get URL like index.php/de/fi/ (fi is default, de and en are others). If I disable SEO URLs the links are allright but there seems to be something conflicting with component SWMenu Pro:

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'UnableToCalculatePositionException' with message 'cannot calculate position of '88' within '88'OR jos_swmenu_extended.moduleID IS NULL) WHERE jos_categories.published =1 AND jos_categories.extension='com_content' ORDER BY jos_categories.lft' in /home/basaarif/public_html/virrilaw/libraries/jdiction/database/parser/classes/position-calculator.php:188 Stack trace: #0 /home/basaarif/public_html/virrilaw/libraries/jdiction/database/parser/classes/position-calculator.php(204): PositionCalculator->lookForBaseExpression('SELECT jos_cate...', 338, Array, 2, Array) #1 /home/basaarif/public_html/virrilaw/libraries/jdiction/database/parser/classes/position-calculator.php(204): PositionCalculator->lookForBaseExpression('SELECT jos_cate...', 338, Array, 'sub_tree', Array) #2 /home/basaarif/public_html/virrilaw/libraries/jdiction/database/parser/classes/position-calculator.php(204): PositionCalculator->lookForBaseExpression('SELECT jos in /home/basaarif/public_html/virrilaw/libraries/jdiction/database/parser/classes/position-calculator.php on line 188

Install & Configure jDiction / Links to other languages
« on: October 14, 2013, 06:33:12 pm »

I have a problem with links. Normal Index is like index.php/fi-FI/ but when I try to change language the link is index.php/de-DE/fi-FI/ and gives me following 404 error:

Die Seite kann nicht angezeigt werden, weil:

Ein veraltetes Lesezeichen
Eine Suchmaschine hat einen veralteten Index der Website
Eine falsche Adresse
Kein Zugriff auf diese Seite!
Die angefragte Quelle wurde nicht gefunden!
Während der Anfrage ist ein Fehler aufgetreten!

Pages: [1]