jDiction Forum
English => General Questions => Topic started by: fildin on September 02, 2014, 07:45:43 pm
thank you for this nice component. Alhougt I noticed today that it deos not translate Phoca's categories (and categorie's description). When I try to translate any Phoca category it alwys ends with this issue:
1054 Unknown column 'filename' in 'field list' SQL=SELECT `title`,`alias`,`filename`,`description`,`geotitle`,`metakey`,`metadesc` FROM igv4f_phocagallery_categories WHERE `id`='1'
There is no problem with images, just categories wont translate. Could you take a look please?
Thank you in advance
Library Version: 1.2.0
JDiction Plugin is enabled
JDiction Plugin is loaded at position 0 should be 1
Languagefilter is enabled
Multiple Plugins have the same loading position (0)
jDiction Database Driver is selected
Seam to be good
Module is enabled
It seams that there a no common mistakes.
maybe the new version has no longer this field... could you delete the line from xml.
What line please?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<cache fullfetch="0" />
<view name="phocagalleryimg" list="phocagalleryimgs" layout="edit" default="true">
<form import="phocagalleryimg.xml">
<fieldset name="main">
<field name="title" />
<field name="alias" filter="jdalias" field="title" export="false" />
<field name="filename" />
<field name="description" />
<field name="geotitle" />
<field name="metakey" />
<field name="metadesc" />
<cache fullfetch="0" />
<view name="phocagalleryc" list="phocagallerycs" layout="edit">
<form import="phocagalleryc.xml">
<fieldset name="main">
<field name="title" />
<field name="alias" filter="jdalias" field="title" export="false" />
<field name="filename" />
<field name="description" />
<field name="geotitle" />
<field name="metakey" />
<field name="metadesc" />
the last
<field name="filename" />
Great, thank you :)
Please move this into the right section of your forum if needed.