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Messages - wonderland

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General Questions / Re: jDiction no longer fully working with k2
« on: August 31, 2018, 12:34:17 am »

Thank you so much for such a fast response!

I'm just switching back to having language tag in primary language.

Will keep this in mind for the future :)

General Questions / jDiction no longer fully working with k2
« on: August 30, 2018, 10:00:03 am »

I've noticed a possible bug with k2 and jDiction. I didn't notice at which stage it started, but most likely after last joomla and jDiction update. Currently I'm running joomla 3.8.10 and jDiction 2.2.2

The problem is with language switching within and item, categories work fine.

Here are some examples:
K2 Category view
If you change languages in this view (upper right corner), everything will switch nicely.

K2 Item view
If you change languages in this view (upper right corner), 404 error is returned.

The problem here is that, for some reason url is constructed a bit wrong, it is missing some characters when switching language. If you take a look at the url below:
This is the correct working url
But language switcher cuts some symbols from the url "/it"

What makes this problem very hard to understand, at least for me. Is that this problem occurs only when switching from Latvian (LV) language to others. If I use English or Russian as and then switch to other languages, there is no such problem.

Hello again,

2. I have noticed that quite often the yellow! shows up rights after adding translation even if no changes have been made to the native element.

4. I actually thought so, but when I press on the blue icon, nothing happens. I am using the basic text editor. But I also must mention that I am using k2 component (I did find a file somewhere on forums that allows to use jdiction with k2, but the file was quite old, maybe there is a newer version?

5.2. Where would one set language access level to public?

There is one more thing I wanted to ask, it's regarding "hiding untranslated content". I searched forum, but most topics regarding this are a bit old. Are there any news regarding this functionality?

Thank you for the fast reply.

I'm sorry, I'm not even sure why I thought this was related to Jdiction, must be the long week  :D

While I have your attention I would like to clarify some things;
1. In itemview, when pressing on translate flag, should it take me to the tab of the pressed language, or will just the first tab get opened - http://imgur.com/QJTFXqK
2. After adding translations, quite often I get yellow exclamation mark, instead of green check mark, and I would like to understand why, am I doing something wrong?  - http://imgur.com/UDJ0hsa
3. This is not a big deal, but if I remember correctly, there should be a icon here - http://imgur.com/YZrYc2J
4. Inside a translatable item, is there a way to somehow copy content of the base language? There is a pop up with the base content, but it would be such a time saver if I could just copy the base content and use it as a referrence - http://imgur.com/n41qTuT
5. In jDiction check page I get these two errors
5.1. "Joomla Version 3.6.5 is unkown." - I suppose this is no problem
5.2. "5 languages having not accesslevel public." - Not sure what to do about this, all languages are active.

That was my own fault.

I do have one question though, from time to time I get this error
Code: [Select]
Table 'laak_site.#__updates' doesn't exist SQL=SELECT DISTINCT update_site_id FROM #__updates WHERE `update_site_id` IN ( SELECT update_site_id FROM #__update_sites WHERE `last_check_timestamp` IS NULL OR `last_check_timestamp` <= '1484301508')


Firstly I would like to say a big thank you for creating this extension.

Currently I'm encountering a strange thing. Whenever I'm switching language part of css isn't applied, although the css itself loads. I'm not even sure what could be the problem, I can see the css file.

Example - visit http://bit.ly/2icm78n, and press "RU" for example, you will see that css isn't applied, although it is fully loaded. I am using K2 component, but I did download the xml file for k2 from forums.

Some additional info about the site:
  • I'm using Jdiction_mysqli although changing to Jdiction_mysqli_xml doesn't change the fact mentioned above
  • When I go to global checkin, I get this error - Table 'laak_site.#__updates' doesn't exist SQL=SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `#__updates`

When going to jDiction check page, I get this:
  • Joomla Version 3.6.5 is unkown.
  • There are 7 plugins having the same loading postion as the Joomla Languagefilter Plugin. (althought Joomla language plugin is set as first priority
  • jDiction Database Driver XML View is selected
  • 5 languages having not accesslevel public.

EDIT: this was my own stupidity, I didn't set modules correctly.

I do have a few question still though, is it ok if I ask theme here, or should I better create a new topic?

I installed this and I can see the flags in back end now. But unfortunately pressing on the blue "i" still does nothing for me. I even cleared the browser's cache.
I still have the same password if you would like to take a look.

Thank you very much!

Do I just install it over current version?

Indeed it is problem only with k2. In Joomla native article component, JCE editor works as well by the way.

Could you please let me know when you do this? Thank you.

Actually, when I was testing this I also switched back to Tiny Mce, but I had the same problem. You can check the site again, I've switched back to tiny MCE, but the problem is still there.

Yes, I installed it from scratch. Which icons do you mean? The one in Tools section?

I've sent the access. Thank you for looking into this.

Could you please let me know why can't I copy the content when I press the blue "I"? I tried another browser just in case, but got the same result.

I get this error:
TypeError: e is undefined

Regarding the previous thing I mentioned, if I write something in the intro text box and then press the red "X" and leave it empty the entire content of original language also gets copied over. Is this something that is intetional?

I actually tried pressing the blue "I" button many times now but not once did the original text copy over.  I can delete the text written by pressing red "X" button, but If I press the blue "I" no text gets copied.

I think I found a bug as well. When I write text in the main text area, without entering intro text (because you don't always have intro text) the whole text of original language gets copied over, please see attached images.

If I then go back to administration panel write something in intro text area and then delete it, the main language text disappears.

I also wanted to ask is it mandatory that there are 2 content areas, intro text and main text? I think the interface would look so much cleaner if there would be just one content box. And people who don't use blog type layouts don't often use "Read More" function to split their text.

Yes, that I already did :).

I think it wouldn't be bad to include this option in module, I do think that others would find this useful as well.

I also think that it would be beneficial to have a copy button, when you press it it copies content from original language, it may be easier to translate in some cases, but that is up to you of course.

But mainly I would like to thank you for this extension. I will definitely give it a 100% rating on JED. Once I'm finished with this project I'm building I would like to volunteer to improve your documentation, or alternatively I could donate something :)

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