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jDiction 2.2.0 released. http://jdiction.org/downloads

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Messages - fredgresch

Pages: [1]
General Questions / Switching not working
« on: January 05, 2016, 07:23:32 am »
Have set up my new site using Gavick Pro Hotel, Joomla 3.4.8 and JDiction 1.4.2. But nothing is happening when I try to switch the language to Norwegian. The menu just stays in English, like there is no adresse in Norwegian. Browser shows this (http://www.armisalvinelli.eu/index.php/en/) Tried manually write (http://www.armisalvinelli.eu/index.php/no/) but nothing happening.

Anyone knows why?

OK? Where to do that been trying to look at the installing and configuration without finding out how to activate the database.


Just tried to get the above to work but just getting this message. Is the version working with 3.4.6?

Test   Result
Library Version: 1.4.2
Joomla Version 3.4.6 is untested.
Joomla Languagefilter Plugin is enabled
Joomla Languagefilter Plugin is not the first loaded Plugin.
JDiction Plugin is enabled.
jDiction Database Driver is not selected
One language has no accesslevel set.
One language has not accesslevel public.
Module is enabled
Common mistakes   
It seems that there are no common mistakes.

Pages: [1]