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jDiction 2.2.0 released. http://jdiction.org/downloads

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Messages - giu75rm

Pages: [1]
Install & Configure jDiction / Jdiction 2.0 with Joomla 3.6.4 does not work
« on: November 17, 2016, 12:00:46 pm »
I just installed JDiction 2.0 on Joomla 3.6.4. Then I followed the installation instructions and checked for correct configuration (Components | JDiction | Check). Everything is green except a message on top saying "Joomla Version 3.6.4 is unkown". Then I provided translations into Italian for the top menu an a few articles that are normally associated with the menu items. Finally I provided a JD Language Switcher which is shown on top.
The problem now is that if I switch to Italian language, no translation menu items are shown even though translations are provided for each. If I select an article in english and switch to Italian, I get an error saying "404 Article not found".

Thanks in advance for any support you can provide.


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