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Messages - aggelikouli

Pages: [1] 2
Install & Configure jDiction / Re: Main menu - not translating
« on: March 17, 2014, 01:01:53 pm »
Ok thank you very much, I'll contact the author so that he fixes the problem.

Thanks again for the immediate & willing support!

Install & Configure jDiction / Re: Main menu - not translating
« on: March 17, 2014, 12:41:05 pm »
Ok, i pm you

Install & Configure jDiction / Re: Main menu - not translating
« on: March 17, 2014, 12:34:22 pm »
sorry, I don't understand what you told me to do... :(

Install & Configure jDiction / Re: Main menu - not translating
« on: March 17, 2014, 11:22:57 am »
I tried to change jdiction plugin in position 1 & I think I did it, but the check report doesn't say so...What can I do?
 Thank you

Install & Configure jDiction / Main menu - not translating
« on: March 17, 2014, 10:58:18 am »
Hello again!

I did all the required action and translated all the articles-modules, etc at the backend.

The problem is that the main menu is not translated when I change language in jdiction. I think that it's not right duplicate all the menu titles (except "home" of course) and set them in the two languages i want.

What do you suggest?

A big big THANK YOU for your time and patience!!!

Could you please tell me what you finally did, so I know it in the future?

Ok, i've removed it so you can access it.

I also attached the errors.

Sorry, again an interval server error. I pm you the errors I got.

I have the same problem,, even if I installed the new package. Two language translations needed and the greek not showing.

I really don't know what else to do. I'm really sorry for spending your time. Do you want me to give you access to the backend? I suppose I do something wrong...

No, it's not on, as I could work on the backend.

Please give me some minutes in order to try the new package.

I'd like to ask you something else: my default lang is greek. Is it normal that when i try to translate an article with jdiction, it requires a translation in english AND in greek? all the previous times I translated something in a site, I was asked to give only the english translation, not the language I had as default.

And also this:

I added the code to .htaccess and I got 500 error.

I uploaded an older backup I had and now the blank page is gone! There's another problem now, the greek language doesn't load, although the english loads.

Take a look at this:



By default the languagefilter plugin is inactive. Then everything worked normally with or without jdiction.

When I choose Jdiction_MySqli, the site loads, but it shows a blank page. The url loads, but the page is all white.

The weird thing is that in every action I do, even if the frontend does not work, the backend works.

I cannot understand what's wrong, as I have already use jdiction in other Joomla 3 sites.

All public. I enabled the error reporting in Joomla

The folder public_html/language/el-Gr and the same one in English are 755. The contents in these folders are 644.

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