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jDiction 2.2.0 released. http://jdiction.org/downloads

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Messages - frank

Pages: [1]
Sorry I was assigned to another project.

I had a look, it seems that the issue with the language code is fixed, I decided to run the older version with my modifications since I mentioned that SEMRUSH suggests using absolute URLs instead of relative urls which 2.2.3 still uses. 

I know you have talked about not having the proper information at time of rendering. I'll have to spend some time with joomla to try and fix that issue.

any news on the bug fixes?

Oh and I thought I should point out that the jdlanguage module uses the relative urls instead of the absolute urls in the headers, SEMRUSH has issues with that and advises against using relative URLS.   

This was easier for me to fix. in the mod_jdlanguage.php file

Thank you.

I think it would be better for SEO to query the document instead of the menuitem.     

Okay, I'm running into an issue with jdiction's jdlanguage switcher

if In the joomla language filter plugin, I set the option not to show the language code of the default language ( which produces a better looking url and improves seo IMO ) then the jdlanguage switcher helper will still try and remove the language code of the url with "JString::substr" but end up removing part of the url.

For example if I have an article under a category, let's say the url is www.test.com/12-category/article-title;

it will turn that url to www.test.com/sc/category/article-title for simplified chinese.. if you pay attention you will see that the id of the category has been truncated "12-",

if I keep all the tags enabled there is no issue, it will simply remove the "en/" part of the url instead of the last 3 characters of the base url.

There is another issue with the meta tags generation, the title attribute should not be the menu item but the article's title in the specified language.   

I'm a php newbie and would appreciate if you could help me.

Thank you

General Questions / Re: Export Question
« on: June 03, 2017, 03:59:20 pm »
Thanks .. let's see if I understood that correctly so if I started translating menu items and components from within joomla,  in chinese, then I can export using chinese as the source and target?

General Questions / Export Question
« on: June 02, 2017, 07:21:32 pm »
I'm wondering what the source language and target language dropdowns do in the export menu? the documentation hasn't been updated in a while and there's no explanation for the 'new' export process

what's the correct procedure if I want to then import a new language translation on another site?

and here's a few suggestions to make jdiction better. There's a lot of typos on the website and uninstalling jdictions till corrupts the configuration.php file by adding <NUL> in it. 

Pages: [1]